3 houses with red target and arrow on the white.
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How to Improve Real Estate SEO to Sell Your Timeshare

3 houses with red target and arrow on the white.

You’re ready to sell your timeshare but you have no idea how to do it.

A smooth timeshare selling process all begins with a strong online presence.

According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors, looking online was the first step for 42 percent of all buyers. And, 92 percent of buyers said they used the internet at some point in their search.

So with all these people searching for properties, it should be pretty easy to get yours noticed, right?


Putting an ad for your timeshare online isn’t enough. With all the timeshares out there, you need to make sure you are taking steps to stand out from the competition.

How do you do this?

By using the right real estate SEO practices.

In this article, we’ll go over the top SEO tricks you need to sell your timeshare quickly.

  1. Target Local Keywords

Most people looking to buy a timeshare aren’t looking to buy one in any random spot.

Typically, buyers have a specific location in mind. When putting information about your timeshare online, make sure to focus on the city that it’s located in.

For example, don’t just say “timeshare for sale.”

Instead, use phrases like “timeshare for sale in Sydney” or “Elite Holiday Homes in Queensland.” This will help you attract buyers who are looking for a timeshare in your specific location.

  1. Make Use of Photos and Videos

Photos and videos are key for engaging users of all websites, but especially real estate ones.

Buyers of timeshares love seeing videos of a home’s interior as well as its exterior. This helps the buyer visualize whether or not they could see themselves vacationing there.

In fact, according to one study, real estate listings that have a video included receive 403 percent more inquiries than those without.

  1. Make it Mobile

The results are in — mobile searches have officially surpassed desktop searches.

What does this mean for your real estate SEO?

It means that when you post information about your timeshare, or anything else for that matter, you need to make sure it’s mobile-friendly.

Sites that aren’t mobile-friendly take forever to load, are often difficult to navigate and aren’t user-friendly.

Potential buyers have little patience for sites such as these. If this is the case, they’ll just move on to the next real estate site.

  1. Think Outside the Website

When it comes to improving your real estate SEO game, you need to think outside your website.

In other words, you need to be making use of other platforms to get the word out about your timeshare sale.

You should be using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Google+. You should also be putting your listings on real estate online directories like Trulia, Zillow, and Redfin.

Don’t just limit yourself to your own website. The further you can spread the word about your sale, the better.

Real Estate SEO: Wrap Up

While selling your timeshare may seem like a daunting task, following these SEO tips will make the process a lot easier.

But, our SEO tips don’t begin and end with this list.

There is a lot to learn about SEO, so be sure to check out our blog for more info.


Written by CrazyLeaf Editorial

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