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3 SEO Trends To Be Aware of This Year

Do you sell products and services online? If so, you need a website equipped for e-commerce. You probably already know people won’t visit your website just because you build it. But you can attract traffic through search engine optimization (SEO) — if you go about it correctly. 

When people conduct online searches for the types of products and services you sell, you’ll want to be among the first entries they see. Studies have demonstrated that people tend to focus on the first few entries on the first page of results. And the higher up on the first page, the better. What does that mean? If your SEO strategy isn’t working and your company ranks on page two — or later pages — of the search engine results pages (SERPs), people might never find your business.

That’s why your SEO strategy needs to be on point. But the thing about SEO is that it’s not static. It changes as Google, which virtually owns the search engine space, adjusts its algorithm. So, your SEO strategy in 2022 might need to be fine-tuned to achieve your goals this year. 

Consider these three SEO trends for 2023 to get a critical mass of people going to your website and buying your products and services.

  1. Include Video in SEO Strategy

If you want to take your SEO strategy to the next level, you can’t afford to ignore video marketing. YouTube has 2.1 billion active monthly users worldwide, with 210 million of them being in the U.S. TikTok is another platform to pay attention to. It was the most-downloaded mobile app last year with 672 million downloads. Instagram came in second place with 548 million downloads. There’s no doubt that people love video. And it’s been demonstrated that leveraging video as a marketing tool can boost leads, conversions, and sales.

You can expect more consumers to seek out videos this year when researching products and services online. So, you’ll want to include video marketing in your SEO strategy to take advantage of this. When brainstorming video ideas, ensure the videos you create relate to your products and services. Among other things, use keywords when labeling the videos you create.

  1. Don’t Forget Voice Search

Did you know half of the population in the U.S. makes use of voice search every day, and 34% of them use voice search no less than once per week? Voice search is becoming more popular, and it’s believed this trend will continue this year. What does this mean for your business?

As part of your SEO strategy, you must optimize your website for voice search. Doing so means ensuring the content on your website features natural language and long-tail keywords. If you’re not doing this, you’re missing out on an opportunity to appeal to more consumers.

  1. Google’s E-A-T Becomes E-E-A-T

Google updated its search rating guidelines late last year. So, it went from E-A-T — for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness — to E-E-A-T — for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Why did Google add the extra “E” for “Experience”?

Google’s algorithm is interested in the verifiable experience of content creators. Do your content creators have first-hand experience with the topics they’re covering? When people search for products and services online, Google wants them to get the best SERPs possible. If your website has valuable content produced by people with experience, it’ll rank better.

When creating or tweaking your company’s SEO strategy, ensure that you remember to strive for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. 

Get Help if You Need It

Do you operate a small startup with no dedicated digital marketing department? If that describes your situation, you may need to outsource the task to a qualified service provider. It makes sense. If you need help preparing your taxes, you’ll want an accountant. If you want help managing your rental properties, you’ll want a property management firm. And if you want help with your SEO strategy, you’ll want to hire a digital marketing agency to help you.

Remember these three trends while working on your company’s SEO initiatives. The SEO landscape is always changing, so don’t assume that the same things that worked last year will work now or that the same things that work now will work next year. 

But if you stay on top of SEO trends, you won’t be taken by surprise. 

Written by CrazyLeaf Editorial

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