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10 Excellent WordPress Plugins Made with Quality

There is a common belief among WordPress users that the less plugins you use the faster your blog performs. Totally disagree. While going overboard with plugins is not recommended (at least it will add more code to your website that your browser will have to load) there is another thing you’d have to keep in mind. It’s not about the number of the plugins, it’s all about their quality. One plugin with poor coding will do more harm to your website speed than 10 high-quality plugins running together.

Although WordPress is pretty feature-rich by default, without additional plugins its functionalities are somewhat limited. And if you want to have a functional and advanced website there is a set of plugins you’d probably need to obtain. Below, you’ll find a list of 10 high-quality WordPress plugins that will rock your website and take it to the next level. The high loading speed of your website is guaranteed.


google analytics


Google Analytics WD

The official member of Google Analytics Technology Partner Program, this WordPress Google Analytics plugin comes with the most advanced reporting functionality and works out of the box. It provides responsive reports on your website audience, performance, site speed, traffic sources, user geo-locations, etc. Apart from that, you can get reports for your AdSense and AdWords accounts, as well as sales stats for your Ecommerce website. There is a possibility to compare reports of different periods with each other, and export them to CSV or PDF files.You can set custom reports to get detailed stats on the metrics and dimensions you’re most interested in, and also enable the tracking of custom dimensions for logged in users, posts types, authors, publication years and months. Another great feature of Google Analytics WD is its goal management functionality which allows you to track targeted activities.


wordpress maps


WordPress Google Maps

WordPress Google Maps is another super plugin that allows you easily create and edit Google maps with live preview functionality. Created maps are responsive and you can add them anywhere on your website with a shortcode.The plugin supports all the essential Google map styles, layers, controls and features, and comes with some additional customization options. You’ll find unique map themes and skins in the plugin to help you to give personal touch and feel to the maps. The plugin comes with a store locator functionality, which is a great addition to business websites, cafes, and restaurants to pinpoint their location within a specified radius. You’ll also like its  get directions feature, that’s there to suggest walking, driving, bicycling and transit routes to various destinations. The plugin is built with a clean coding and is super-fast.




Slider WD

If you think it takes a hell of time for a slider to load, Slider WD is here to prove you the opposite. It’s an advanced tool that lets you create responsive, fast loading, and highly customizable sliders for your site. The slides support both images and videos,which you can upload from your media library, Slider WD media upload, or by embedding from various social platforms, such as Instagram, Dailymotion, Flickr, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.You can also add social sharing, image, video, hotspot and text layers to the slides,and spice them up with 26 transition and 38 layer effects. The WordPress slider plugin also supports image watermarking and right click protection, slide duplication, custom CSS and many other cool features to help you give the slides the look and feel you want. Slider WD comes with filmstrip display, parallax and carousel effects that are sure to drive lots of attention.




Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of those plugins which probably doesn’t need any shoutout. It takes the optimization of your website to the whole new level by helping your to write a better content with the right keywords most relevant to your website and its content. You just identify the keyword, and the plugin makes sure you use it everywhere on your website. Also, it checks your post titles and headings for length, reminds you to enable pretty permalinks, makes you insert image alt tags, and other technical stuff that you might forget to do.Its best feature is the snippet preview functionality, which allows you to see how your posts and pages will look like in search results.





Relevanssi is a great alternative to the default WordPress search engine. It provides best and most relevant searching results to your visitors, and ultimately improves user experience. The plugin supports partial matching, searching for phrases with quotes, Google-style “Did you mean?” suggestions, and highlights the search terms in the final results. It searches for the matching terms throughout your website, including comments, categories, tags and custom fields. It also shows log queries, most popular and recent search queries, and enables you to restrict the search results for specific tags and categories.





Jetpack helps you to easily manage your website with a set of tools that it comes with. It provides you with the stats of your website visitors, and help you grow your traffic along the way with related posts, enhanced distribution and sharing. It also monitors your site and protects it from attacks and hackings. Jetpack is good at image optimization, and as a result images on your website load faster. The best thing about the plugin is that you manage all of its tools and features from its centralized dashboard, which makes things easy and saves you a lot of time.  





With Shareaholic you get all the right tools to grow and engage your audience, recommend content, as well as promote and share your content form one single dashboard. All the tools are built to work well together and on any website theme. The plugin has gotten rave reviews for helping to get more social shares for your content. The plugin is analytics integrated to help you track your content shares, get insights on the popular posts on your website, and ultimately bring back more traffic. It also comes with social following buttons to help you get more followers and grow your social influence.




Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

You can display a list of related posts, pages, custom post formats to your website visitors with Yet Another Related Posts plugin. It features a unique and powerful algorithm which finds the most relevant content to the posts your visitors read, based on a number of considerations, such as post titles, keywords, tags, content, etc. You can choose to display the related content in thumbnails or list views, and also use the available templates to take full control over how the suggested content will appear.





This is another great plugin with super quality. It is here to replace the default commenting system of WordPress with a system powered by Disqus. It uses threaded comments and replies which makes it easy to engage in discussions with other commenters, and supports for social mentions. The best thing about it that it connects Disqus users all over the web and results in increased exposure and readership. The comments sections undergoes spam filtering and is indexable by search engines. 

Social Media Widget

You can fully socialize the sidebars of your website with Social Media Widget plugin. It allows you to add a widget with the URLs of your social media profiles. The widget shows the icons of the social platforms and opens up the links in a separate window. The plugin supports a wide range of social media platforms and comes with 4 icon packages, various icon sizes and multiple animations. You can customize the widget alignment, choose the number of icons per row, and make other adjustments to have the widgets look the way you want.

Good WordPress plugins are many, great WordPress plugins are hard to find. When it comes to choosing a plugin, quality should be your number one priority. If you’re looking for a functionality above mentioned plugins offer, you can go and have it without further ado. They are created with quality in mind and have a wide range of cool features to offer.

Written by GreatDesign

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