
Top 10 : Tips for Creating Beautiful Logo Designs

Creating a logo is one of the most difficult processes for a designer, because it must be able to find the right mix between graphic symbols and typographic that is able to identify a company or product in order to differentiate it from its competitors on the market.

The design is not stops at the graphics, but it requires a study on a communicative level, because the logo should convey a message unique, safe and precise, but it must also be original, compact and adaptable.

Here are 10 basic rules that I suggest you follow for the creation of an effective logo.

Designed in black and white

Designed in black and white

The choice of colors is not important in the early stages of design, indeed it can be misleading.

Ensure a good readability logo in black and white is one of the basic features for a quality logo. The brand must be recognizable in all conditions so even in the case of monochrome prints (for example in facsimile or photocopies).

Beginning is much more important than the form. The colors can always be chosen later, unless they have already been indicated by the customer.

Take all the time necessary

Take all the time necessary

Creating a logo is process that can take weeks (sometimes even months). Customers always have too much haste, but in this case you have to make him understand that urgency does not bring anything good. Starting with one or more sketches on paper until you get to the final choice must try, try and try again at every stage. And between one phase and another is better to take breaks and to spend some time to see if the result is appreciable even after days and cool head.

Inspired by the galleries, but do not overdo it

Inspired by the galleries, but do not overdo it

The galleries of logos are excellent resources where they take inspiration and engage with other designers, but do not overdo it. The dividing line between inspirations from plagiarism is very thin and it could happen to be affected to the point of not being able to be creative and copy without even meaning to.

Do not just think of the logo but to the identity

Do not just think of the logo but to the identity

Even if the customer has requested it, consider that the logo could be used as part of a system of global identity. This usually leads to development of a more relevant design, making the logo flexible and adaptable to all contexts.

Listen to the customer’s requirements

Listen to the customer's requirements

From the beginning, look for customer’s feedback and insert them in the creative process. No one better than the customer knows his target audience and in this way the design will immediately in the right direction. In addition, the customer who feels part of the process is much more likely to be satisfied with the final result.

Focus on a few ideas

Focus on a few ideas

Less concepts you want to focus, the more you will be able to put them into prominence.

It’s always more effective to focus on one or two ideas develop in depth and propose them to the customer, which produce five or ten trivial ideas.

Subtract, do not add

Subtract, do not add

The process of creating a logo is typically a reduction process. During the design does not have to think about what to add to make it better but what synthesize in order to make it more communicative and easily remembered.

Simple = Memorable

Simple and Memorable

As a general rule, the more the logo is simple the more memorable. Think of the most famous logos like Nike, Apple, and McDonalds. The logo must be a simplification; it should be immediately recognizable and remembered over time, using symbols that alone may allow the identification of the brand.

The size of the logo makes the difference

The size of the logo makes the difference

A good logo should be easily produced in various sizes, from very small to very large.

Logos extremely complex therefore may not make it good if shrunken, especially if placed on letterhead or business cards, or promotional items (pens, pencils, key chains).

So when you design a logo make sure it is readable regardless of size and print media.

Do not neglect the typography

Do not neglect the typography

Choose the right font is critical to the success of a brand.

Choosing the font has to be the right mix of communication needs, clarity and readability. Too often we are very committed to the choice of a pictogram and then you maybe alongside the logo written in a simple font and not relevant. It should be considered instead of the lettering in many cases can be used alone and be equally effective.

Written by Alice Freriksen

Alice Freriksen has written for SSLMatrix, Symantec SSL Certificate Reseller. She is technical content writer since last 2 year. In her free time, she enjoys social media. Follow her @Twitter, Facebook.

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