
10 Top Doctor Website Design

Medical website design, like the design for any other website created for an extensive target audience, plays a major role in the further advancement of the business itself. In particular, according to statistics for the previous year, about 21% of US residents unconditionally trust data posted on medical sites.


At first glance, you might think that the satisfaction of every fifth American with the service provided by such network resources is due to prompt and qualified help. However, it is not as simple as that. In fact, it is imperative not only to provide the proper level of services (obviously, in the healthcare sector, this factor should be observed strictly) but also to make your potential customers interested in these services. This is done thanks to supplying the website with:

  • Quality content;
  • Convenient and intuitive navigation;
  • The simplicity of the access to necessary functions;
  • The ability to obtain the information necessary to resolve current issues both from articles at the resource and in real time (for example, through live chat).


Below, we have prepared a compilation of ten examples of best doctor websites (in our opinion) for you so that you can get acquainted with the best practices for creating UI and UX.

List of Top Ten Medical Website Designs

#1 – Dispensary 33

Our list of best website design for doctors begins with Dispensary 33. The design of this site, at first glance, seems to be quite simple. Nevertheless, we can immediately note three things that inspire confidence among customers at a subconscious level: animation in shades of green (green is the color of health and all nature), borderless buttons of the main menu (borders are the main enemy of minimalism today), and the presence of bee honeycombs – in the logo, animations, and page decorations – which are associated with something domestic and native. With regards to navigation, it is quite standard for sites of this format – the main menu is at the top, and a container with “featured products” is immediately in the field of view – everything that an average user needs is at hand.

#2 – Premier Plastic Surgery PC

In this case, the first thing that catches your eye is a picture of an extremely beautiful girl with perfectly symmetrical facial features – assumed as a result of plastic surgery. This, in our opinion, is exactly what can attract a good number of customers – a person with a beautiful face looking natural, not spoiled with fillers or botox. Everything else is fairly standard for modern design principles – main menu in the site’s header, contact information located in a prominent place and in general, convenient and understandable navigation.

#3 – Lexington Medical

This online resource is characterized by an ideal placement of search and contact buttons. After all, people often resort to the help of such sites in a state of hurry (for example, when you need to immediately find the nearest medical center). Therefore, such a layout of the site is a perfect fit in terms of convenience.

#4 – Mindbodygreen

This website, dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, attracts with its positivity and “homeliness” – just look at the pictures in the slider. Navigation is standard, special attention was paid to the news feed, located on the right, since this feature of internet resource can keep its visitors busy for minutes, even if they originally came for the sake of pure interest.

#5 – Marina Plastic Surgery

Here we were attracted, again, by the slider: celebrities are depicted on it, the appearance and figure of which are the most in demand in the field of plastic surgery. Also playing an important role is the ideal placement of contacts and links to social media pages – they can be seen right away, as soon as you open the site.

#6 – TMED

As you may know already,  visual content, almost always, plays a leading role in the site’s first impression. And here the creators of TMED do not fail, opting for the starting slide illustrations demonstrating doctors at work and bright slogans. And even if photos are starring the usual photo models, which has absolutely nothing to do with medicine, the main thing is that this image unquestionably inspires confidence. And, like a cherry on the cake, there are minimalistic fonts that are now very popular with Apple developers (and Apple, in 99 out of 100 cases, is associated with quality and reliability).

#7 – Dr. Hasen

If you ask a woman what she expects from esthetic medicine, you will hardly get the answer that she is seeking a transformation that can easily be attributed to surgery. The creators of this site sensed this subtle nuance and designed the resource in a naturalistic style. Also, you can not fail to note a well-placed line with contact data and a search field – all this is visible even with the first, inattentive look at the start page.

#8 – Dr. Kimberly Henry

This internet resource provides a full delight for expert web designers. It is inspired by all the elements of the page – starting with the dark color scheme (black is one of the colors associated with luxury and status) and ending with an incredibly attractive professional photo of the titular surgeon. In addition, even the most absent-minded visitor will immediately understand how to contact this service online – the icons on the right are clearly discernible.

#9 – Arise MD

The Arise MD website, dedicated to psychotherapeutic services, inspires literally at first glance – a photo of the therapist with a radiant smile, a mountain landscape, a white background… All these elements together give peace of mind. Call-to-action button is located immediately under the slogan, all specializations are placed directly on the start page. Nothing to add – website design for doctors was implemented perfectly.

#10 – Adam R. Kolker, M.D.

Dr. Adam R. Kolker probably personally tracked every step in the design of the UI of this web resource, as the final result is exemplary. What attracted us the most is the classic font styles, visible and expressive but not annoying CTA button, an optimally located container with contacts and a pleasant, “cozy” color scheme.

Ten Top Doctor Website Design: Conclusion

As you realized from the examples given by agentestudio, ?reating a design for a medical website is not an easy task. There are a number of elements that must be present and the whole impression should be positive and ensuring. Therefore, if you are in search of expert designers who would be able to customize any of those templates that you saw above or create a completely new, unique corporate design, please contact us today! We will provide you with an extensive preliminary consultation and create an integral look based on your vision, which you can proudly present to your potential customers.


Written by CrazyLeaf Editorial

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