Facebook is inarguably the most popular social media network with billions of users. However, not all users know how to take complete advantage of the many tools Facebook has to offer. Even if you’ve been using Facebook for a while, it’s likely you haven’t had the time to discover and learn about the many features available.
Making Chat Settings Work for You
Many individuals use Facebook as another form of communication by using the chat or video call features; both simple and convenient. One problem many individuals run into when using these features is keeping track of and responding to all messages and alerts. You may miss replying to a message and worry your friend felt ignored. Maybe there are friends you would prefer not to receive or answer messages from but would prefer them not to know, remaining anonymous. There is no need to feel anxious in this scenario. In fact, there are chat settings that allow you to turn chatting on for friends you wish to message with while remaining invisible to those you prefer not to chat with at the moment.
Disabling Auto-Play Video Videos
If you have been struggling with slow connection or perhaps you use free data for your internet needs, the download time for videos or other media on Facebook can take forever. You can actually turn this off in Facebook. Simply go to the Facebook Settings, Videos, then turn off the auto play option. Also, if you happen to be somewhere where there is poor internet speed or slow connection, you can simply change the quality for video from HD to SD; this is recommended for bad or slow connection speeds.
Using Facebook Search
Most internet users immediately use Google as their go-to search engine. You may not have known that you can also use Facebook to search for information, not just people. The Facebook search box is a powerful search engine where you can find information on platforms, celebrities, old friends, organizations, business networking groups and more. You may be surprised with all the information you can find using the Facebook search engine. You can even use Facebook search when having trouble with your account, since there is no Facebook phone number.
Uploading Pictures and Videos Quickly
You may be frustrated from time to time when uploading images with slow internet speed. There are photo hosting platforms that you can use to upload photos quickly. These photo hosting platforms can be automatically or directly uploaded to your Facebook account.
Advertising on Facebook
If you are interested in advertising your business but struggling to find leads or feel like some opportunities for advertising, such as Google Ads, are too costly or conversion rates seem stagnant, try advertising on Facebook. Perhaps you know how to make a Facebook Page, but aren’t sure how to boost your visibility with the right audience and platform. Facebook Advertising can help you to gain more leads and turn them into avid customers. You have the option to advertise in GIF, PNG, JPEG or video format. Facebook has its own track and analysis backend feature, where you can quickly determine if your advertising campaign is effective or not; a great feature when advertising on Facebook. For as low as $10.00 a day, your online presence will never be the same.