This week we’re featuring a talented designer who’s worn many hats over the span of his career including author and creative director.
Drew DeSoto is the author of Know Your Onions – Web Design and What to put in your portfolio to get a job.
Released in Feb 2014, the book is the first in the Know Your Onions mini series, and is aimed at graphic design students offering tips to give them a head start in the design world.
We caught up with Drew and got some extremely important insights into his world. Check it out.
CLD: Hey Drew, are you an early riser or midnight owl?
Drew: Oh, a night owl absolutely. I write at night, after work.
CLD: What is a typical work day like?
Drew: Look at email, urgh, coffee, look at email, urgh, sandwich, look at email, urgh…
CLD: Coffee, tea, or scotch during work?
Drew: First two in work, last one on my terrace, with a a cigar, after work.
CLD: What is your number one struggle when it comes to design?
Drew: Project management, definitely.
CLD: Do you usually work alone or with a team?
Drew: I usually work with a team.
CLD: Pen and paper, or straight to the computer?
Drew: Pen and paper. Every. Single. Time.
CLD: Which are your top 3 design tools you can’t live without?
Drew: Hhhmm. I’d have to say pen. Paper. Scotch.
CLD: What music do you listen to while working?
Drew: I’m on Catfish and the Bottlemen, Ludovico Einaudi and Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction.
CLD: 1 famous quote (about your design philosophy, about how you approach work, about how you approach life) that you would like to share?
Drew: “Details, details. Things to do. Things to get done. Don’t bother me with details, just tell me when they’re done” – James Lionel Price
CLD: Tell us your proudest moment.
Drew: Making my wife a bacon and avocado toasted ciabatta without burning anything. Not a thing!
CLD: When did you know you wanted to become a designer?
Drew: Type. I just liked drawing my own type.
CLD: Who wins? Superwoman vs Catwoman.
Drew: I’m basing my decision purely on a visual analysis. Cat Women wins every time.
CLD: Which font type do you most often use?
Drew: Arnold Böcklin
Drew is also the founder and Creative Director of Navig8 and has gone on to work with some of the most influential UK organisations, including the British Council, the UK Government, international charities and brands.
Drew has contributed to Policy Connect, the UK Government think tank that works with parliamentarians, business and the public sector to help improve government policy.
In 2013, Drew founded Articul8 Publishing, a small publishing house in Central London. He has written a number of blog posts focussed on graphic design which can be read here: