
Clean and Minimalistic Design Showcase by Adrian Iorga



Our featured designer for the week is Adrian Iorga; an independent graphic designer currently working from Bucharest, Romania. He specializes in Logo and Brand Identity design and spends a lot of his free time with things involving Typography and Lettering.

1.How would you describe your design style?

My ideal approach is usually angular, clean and minimalistic with few, but contrasting colors, usually influenced by my passion for typography and geometry.

Adrian Iorga Art

2.How long have you been a designer for?

I’m a full time independent designer since 2012 but I’ve been creating, drawing and spraying various things since 2006.

Sylized Word by Adrian

3.Where are you from?

I am from Bucharest, Romania.

Stylistic art by Adrian Iorga

4. Tell us about your favorite project?

I think my latest self branding project.


Adrian Iorga Self Branding

5.What do you see as the next big trend in design?

Anticipating trends is tricky (and really not my thing), they’re both the product of careful calculations and of random events, it’s quite the volatile melange, so these are more observations. There’s a tendency towards enriching an otherwise minimalist discipline with animation, be it logo, graphic design or webdesign. Personally, I also expect a rise in asymmetry, chromatic vibrance and visual randomness, things that oppose what is considered the current norm, it’s sort of the natural way of things.

Adrian Iorga Self Branding

6.What work are you most proud of?

It might sound peculiar, but I’m usually proud of my latest project. It’s difficult to point to any other work because, although I feel generally proud of them, I actually don’t like many of the things I’ve done in the past as much as when I made them. Time gives you the chance to see other possibilities and things you could’ve done better.

Whiplash illustration by Adrian

7.How does color influence your work?

Unless the project specifies color as a central starting point, I don’t think my work is influenced by it that much in general. Although I have a vague projection of how a project will end up, I usually lean towards putting more focus on structure, often treating the chromatic side as a separate milestone. I try to keep an open minded approach when working, so I might organically end up using a color scheme that didn’t even cross my mind.

Self Branding by Adrian Iorga

8.What is the best advice you would give to a new designer?

Giving advice is delicate, despite being in this field for some time now, it took me a long time to gather the guts to advertise myself as a “designer” and I still feel “new” myself, I learn and experiment everyday. These are just some things that worked for me:


Practice constantly, especially by creating personal projects. Personal work is what keeps you sane during boring or stressful projects. It’s also what hones your skills, allows you to gain new ones, and gives you the chance to show off your range by making things that regular commissioned work might not allow you to create.

Adrian Iorga stylistic work

Take breaks, go out, leave town, spend your money on shit you like, because that is why you’re working so hard, this is what all those all-nighters were for. Taking breaks allows you to see your work with fresh eyes when you come back and taking free time keeps you from ending up hating your job.

Calligraphy by Adrian Iorga

Find the value of your work as early as possible and don’t undersell your time unless it’s going to bring you more gain in the long run. Barters can be useful, but many people will try to over-hype the importance of a promo, don’t fall for it. At the end of the day, the best promo is just doing good work.

Put your work in public, criticism is not something you should hide away from.

9.Do you have any advice on how to take criticism?

Expect it and embrace it, especially negative feedback. I’m sure I’m not saying anything new here but negative feedback, even if uninformed, is a great teaching experience. Love your profession but don’t get emotionally attached to your individual projects. Working long hours on something can generate this tunnel vision that renders you unable to see obvious flaws, leaving you with the false sense that this is the best you can do and you need to defend it against criticism. Not knowing how to handle feedback makes you vulnerable to critique, be it from random people on the Internet or from your clients. It’s one thing to be proud of your work and another to be cocky.

Adrian Iorga logo

10.Mac or PC?

Personally, I’m using a PC, but I see no relevant difference between the two when it comes to the work process.


You can follow Adrian on twitter @adiorga. For more featured designers’ work check out Crazyleaf Design blog.

Written by Mervyn

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