A significant portion of the Sites online now run WordPress full stop this is understandable
as it offers a fast and easy to use solution for web design. In addition WordPress provides
an array of useful plugins to perform all sorts of on-site tasks.
If you want to improve your site’s rank then SEO plug-ins are a necessity and we’ve
compiled a list of some of the best.
SEOPressor is perhaps one of the best and most powerful WordPress plugins created for
your SEO needs. It has the ability to effortlessly manage pages, posts, custom post
formats…basically the full website!
SEOPressor has the ability to find those lucrative long tail keywords with a built-in keyword
research tool. You can easily drag and drop the keywords directly into your content for
incredible results. This feature alone will allow you to save about 20 minutes per post
considering you will not have to waste so much time looking for relevant LSI keywords.
The plugin will also analyze the page or post using in-depth algorithms which will calculate
the SEO statistics of your page. It will then offer up a rating based on 100 criteria. During this
analysis, it will check the H1, H2, and H3 tags.
According to Matthew Woodward’s SEO blog SEOPressor will check for internal and
outbound links, as well as alternate and title tags on the images. You will also have the
added functionality of automating the task of alternate text by assigning a title hook in the
setting page.
SEOPressor features an impressive internal linking feature that will allow you to assign a
specific link with a particular word or phrase. When the post is published, that word or
phrase will be hyperlinked automatically.
Broken Link Checker
Broken Link Checker was designed to monitor your website and search for any broken links
and bring them to your attention. Broken links tend to bring down the overall user experience
and hurt your SEO efforts.
This plugin will notify you of broken links via your email or WordPress dashboard. It is also
possible to prevent the search engines from following any broken links on the site.
SEO Friendly Images Pro
This is an incredible plugin to have for an image-laden site or anyone who forgets the
importance of alternative tags. This SEO plugin will automatically add the title and alt text to
every image on the website. Might be hard to believe, but that is exactly what this powerful
plugin can do. Regardless of whether the site has 10 images of one million, it will do the
same. This plugin will make every single image on the site SEO friendly.
According to Neil Patel this is a must have addition as this plugin features a great add-on
called lazy load. With this plugin installed it will improve the speed of your website by 50% to
75%. It might be hard to understand how such a plugin would work. As you may know, the
images on a website will account for almost 60% of its total weight. A lazy load script will
only load the image once they have come into the visitor’s viewpoint.
If a visitor has not scrolled to that point, the image will not load taking up valuable load time.
In order to provide lazy load functionality, the plugin provides an open source unveil.js script.
All In One Schema.org Rich Snippets
If you have read even very little about SEO, you’ll have come across the term ‘rich snippets’.
This is a simple term that refers to images, video thumbnails, and review stars that can show
up with your website in the search engines.
These things will not help to boost your search engine rankings, but they can more than help
with the click thru rate which does have an effect on your rankings and income! The All In
One Schema.org Rich Snippets is the number one plugin for this task.
You can not do a review on SEO plugins without mention of WP-Rocket.
This is an essential plugin to have to reduce website load times and improve caching to
make your website a speed demon. If you want a faster website but do not want to deal with
all of the headaches associated with programming, this is the plugin for you!