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10 SEO Blog Tips for Your Rehab Website

Your mission in life is to help those with addictions rehabilitate so they can re enter into society as functional beings. But as you know, the first step to recovery is the admittance that you have a problem.


Unfortunately, a lot of addicts don’t admit to this fact, especially when they’re not given the right information. And what better way to present it to them than via the internet? It’s where billions of people go to research.


If you have an addiction blog, you can reach your audience and potentially help them see they need help. You may need SEO blog tips to assist you along the way.


In the following guide, we will help you organize the blog strategy for your rehab website. So let’s get into it!

Why an Addiction Blog Is the Way to Go

It’s believed that 1 in 7 Americans will face substance addiction at some point in their lives. This is an alarming statistic given the size of the population in the US. As of 2016, there were over 323 million people in America.


If this prediction is true, then this means about 45 million Americans will suffer from substance abuse within their lifetimes.


And there are various other stats that help show why you should use a blog as a method of outreach. In 2014, there were 21.5 million people 12 and older with a substance use disorder.


If you’re convinced that it’s time to do something about the epidemic in America, then use your blog to attract new patients. This is exactly what First Step Farm can do to help drive traffic to its rehab facility.


Let’s take a look at some SEO blog tips to help you make this happen.

1. Choose the Primary Keyword for Your Blog

The first of the SEO blog tips circles around keyword research. This is very important for the optimization of your posts, so you’ll need to choose your keywords strategically.


To find your primary keyword, you’ll have to do a bit of keyword research. Obviously, the keyword should be closely related to each of your web pages and blog posts.


The keyword should match the theme of the content you’re writing so it’ll flow naturally into the piece. Also, the primary keyword should be popular among your audience. For instance, if your topic is about alcohol consumption, you may find more people searching for alcohol abuse.


The idea is to choose keywords that have a low competition rate. Look for different variations of the same keyword until you find one that has a steady flow of searches each month and low competition.


This will make it easier for your blog post to rank high for the search term.

2. Look for Secondary Keywords Too

You don’t want to just focus on using a primary keyword in your blog content. It’s essential to also have secondary keywords. As a rule of thumb, you want to go with between two and four secondary keywords.


You may have heard the term Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords before. This is exactly what secondary keywords are. These are keywords that closely relate to the primary keyword.


When you place secondary keywords throughout your blog post, it will help search engines better understand your content and how to rank it. There are different ways you can search for LSI keywords.


One way is to type in your primary keyword into Google, then look at the list of related searches at the bottom. Select two or three of those as your secondary keywords.

3. Never Write for Search Engines

Now, it’s very tempting to focus all your attention on writing content specifically for search engines. For many, this means creating blog posts that are written poorly. But the reality is that if your content is low-quality, then this will only hurt your ranking.


This is what makes this one of the most important SEO blog tips on this list. If your content isn’t written with your audience in mind, then it will have a poor outcome for your goals.


The topics you choose should resonate with your audience so that they find interest in reading it. And if it’s high enough quality, then they are more than likely to share it or even stick around to read more posts.


If you have a high bounce rate, then this tells Google and other search engines that your content isn’t the right fit for the search terms you’re optimizing for.

4. Make Your Blog Posts Longer than 300 Words

The idea of producing content consistently sounds agonizing. And for this reason, a lot of people will resort to writing quick short blog posts just for the sake of publishing and optimization.


Google and other search engines are now aware of this and are penalizing blogs that post content that’s too short. This is why it’s recommended that you aim to make your posts over 300 words. In fact, the longer the better.


As a rule of thumb, you should make your blog posts between 500 and 2,500 words. The longer pieces typically have a lot more depth, which many people find more worthy of sharing or bookmarking. This is why search engines find long blog posts worthy of a higher ranking.


In this sense, it’s better to post one long article weekly than to write 10 300-word pieces each week. However, do keep in mind that you don’t want to go over 2,500 words. If you do, consider breaking it into a series.


As for additional SEO blog tips, you want to include links to the other posts in the series, so visitors can find them easily.

5. Don’t Overload Your Blog Posts with Keywords

You will find a lot of SEO blog tips revolving around keywords because they are a major component of optimization. But this doesn’t mean you should overload your blogs with your primary keyword.


It’s a good idea to have your content made up with about 2% keyword usage. The primary keyword should appear at the beginning and throughout your post. It should be within the first 100 words.


The purpose of secondary keywords is to help add context to your content so search engines can categorize your text.


Like with the primary keyword, you want to place these throughout the text. It’s good to use between two and four secondary keywords at least one time in the piece.

6. Include Inbound Links in Your Posts

Here’s one of the SEO blog tips worth touching on again. Adding inbound or internal links in your blog posts will help drive visitors to your other content. It also helps search engines understand the relation of one page on your website to another.


Just make sure you’re adding links to your posts that are relevant to the topic of the other blogs you’re linking to.

7. Add Outbound Links to Your Posts Too

All links you add to your blog posts should be relevant to your content or add some type of value to the reader. This is especially important for your outbound links. These are links you place in your content that take readers to another site.


The idea is to include sources and resources that further the information you’re providing to your audience. Just make sure to avoid linking to another rehab center website or other competitors.

8. Choose Topics That Cater to Your Audience

The types of topics you choose for your content should resonate with your audience. For instance, if your audience is alcoholics, you can focus on topics of the symptoms, treatment options, intervention methods and so on.


You have to think of the people who will find use in your rehab blog. It’s not just the individuals with the problem, but their family members and friends too. Extend whatever knowledge you can to help them in this dire time.

9. Go Over Common Questions

There are a lot of questions addicts and loved ones of addicts may have about addiction and treatment. Try to cover these frequently asked questions more in-depth in your blog posts. Try to choose primary key phrases in the form of the question, since this is what your audience types into search engines.


For example, “How to do a successful drug intervention.” Research the common questions your audience has to get ideas for content and keywords.


Don’t forget to follow the other SEO blog tips we mentioned earlier regarding keywords.

10. Last of the SEO Blog Tips: Include Calls to Action

You never want to end a blog post without a call to action. It’s important to give your audience a next step to take. If you’re looking for people to call your rehab center, then ask them to. Or if you want them to subscribe to your email campaign, ask them to.


You can also include a link to the contact page, sign-up page or wherever else they need to go to complete the call to action.

Getting Expert Design for You Rehab Website

Choosing a design for your rehab website and blog can really make the difference between people leaving and people staying. It’s essential to have a blog that’s easy to navigate and that looks professional.


At CrazyLeaf Design, we have a team of expert designers who can assist you with your web design and even graphic designs. However you choose to advertise your rehabilitation center, we can help.


Then using the SEO blog tips you have above, you can really make your blogging more effective. Contact us today to get a free quote for your rehab blog design!

Written by CrazyLeaf Editorial

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