Today we will be looking at 10 hipster font pairings that you can use on your next web or print project. Scroll down to see our top 10 pairings.
A few months ago we wrote about 45 Free Hipster Typefaces by Google Fonts. It’s been a really popular article and we wanted to do a follow up on pairing these fonts.
What is font pairing?
Font pairing is the use of two or more different fonts together to create a type system.
As a designer using more than one font allows you to create contrast and increase the visual impact of your design.
A tried and true combination is combining a Sans Serif with a Serif. In this pairing, we often see the sans serif as the header and the serif as the typeface.
Originally designers shied away from using serifs as body copy as they were hard to read on low-resolution screens. Today we have many web safe serifts and higher quality screens so don’t be afraid to use a serif online.
Free Google Fonts
If you haven’t used Google’s web fonts before you should check out Design Shacks Guide to Google Fonts.
All the fonts are free to use on your web or print projects. For clients with a low budget, these are great type options.
If you are trying to pair Google Fonts we suggest using to get started. It gives you suggestions that you can sort. We used FontPair and our hipster font list to create the following selections:
1. Â Roboto Slab and Roboto
2. Quicksand and EB Garamond
3. Nixie One and Ledger
4. Lobster and Cabin
5. Rancho and Gudea
6. Playfair Display and Alice
7. Quando and Judson
8. Raleway and Cabin
9. Pacifico and Arimo
10. Roboto Slab  Open Sans
More Typefaces and Pairings
If you are looking for more pairings for Google Fonts take a look at all the searchable options on FontPair.
If you are looking for more hipster type options on myfonts.
Let us know in the comments if we missed any of your favorite pairings!