Vectorious is one of the coolest and most affordable websites for royalty-free stock vectors.
On Vectorious you can find a huge collection of over 11,000 quality vector images organized in 9 categories (Vintage, Business, People, Abstract, Backgrounds, Buildings, Music, Seasonal and Free Vectors). The vector illustrations in the last category are free for any subscription you have.
The website’s navigation is really simple allowing you to quickly find what you are looking for. Apart from the category browsing you can also view the Latest and Top vectors. An advanced search function is of course present.
We were saying above that Vectorious is one of the most affordable royalty-free stock vector websites available. That’s because you can pay as low as 3.8 cents per vector download.
The subscription options are for every pocket, extending from a 1-day subscription (20 downloads included) to a 6 months subscription (3600 downloads included). No matter what subscription plan you choose, you can use and modify the royalty-free vectors for : web designs (websites, widgets, headers, icons, banners), advertisements (flyers, brochures, posters), Powerpoint presentations, book covers and pages, CD covers, templates, e-cards, screensavers, for t-shirts, canvases, posters, with unlimited runs and in high viewership medias.
The website gets a new batch of fresh vectors every month so the collection never gets outdated.
As a conclusion if you are looking for cool and affordable stock vectors, Vectorious is the place to visit.