
Thinking of Self-Publishing? Four Website Design Tips You Need to Know

It’s no secret that we live in a digitally-reliant day and age with the vast majority of people owning at least one smart device. Today, people rely on their smart phones and tablets for all kinds of things such as shopping, conducting research, browsing, communicating with others, as a means of keeping themselves organized and on-schedule, and more. With that said businesses and people in general have come to the realization that online content is one of the most effective ways to reach an audience.


This brings us to the topic of blogs. Online blogs give anyone a chance to essentially set up a website and start publishing content. While this may sound intimidating to those without website design knowledge, in reality there are all kinds of tools that make it an easy process, and with the right tips you can create an incredibly effective blog. So, before you go ahead with self-publishing here are some website design tips that can help you out.


Do a Comparison of the Most Popular Website Builders

A good place for novices is to start is to begin by researching and doing a comparison of the top website builders. Simply picking the most popular website builder isn’t a great idea because you have your own needs and wants that you need to keep in mind.

If you’ve never gone about publishing a blog online then the chances are high you will be looking for something that is easy-to-use, comes with templates you can play around with, has a library of stock images, and is offered at a budget-friendly price. The website actually offers a website comparison which ranks at the top of the list. Others that got high marks include, Shopify, iPage Web Builder, Weebly Site Builder, Squarespace, and many others.

Make Sure the Home Page Is Simple and to the Point

Another tip that often gets overlooked is simplicity. All too often people try to pack too much onto the website’s homepage and try too hard to make it “stand out”. In reality, a simple and clean approach tends to work best. The homepage shouldn’t feel cluttered or busy rather it should be inviting and low on text. Calls to action can be used on a homepage as long as you don’t go overboard.

Photos That Relate to the Content

While using stock images here and there on the site can be helpful, you have to be careful you don’t get too carried away with them. Packing the site full of stock images will have the opposite of your desired effect. Instead make sure you only use images that relate to your content and add to it. They should also contain headers whenever possible.

There is Nothing Wrong with a Little White Space

When people are building their own website they often shy away from leaving too much open space or white space. In reality there is nothing wrong with a little white space on the page, in fact it can help to break up text and make it seem more inviting.

With these tips and the right website building tool, you’ll be well on your way to a great and effective design.

Written by CrazyLeaf Editorial

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