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How to Start an Awesome Online Travel Diary (That Will Help Pay for Your Vacations)

Have you always been a wanderer at heart?

Is the one thing that keeps you going the thought of your next adventure?

An online travel diary can be the perfect way to begin monetizing on your incessant urge to explore.

This solution can be as successful and profitable as you make it. It takes some initial investment and tons of effort, but the potential of making money from travelling makes this feat worth it.

As a bonus, the job itself doesn’t truly feel like work because it is a topic that you are passionate and knowledgeable about.


Booking Airplane ticket on Online travel agency on laptop
Booking Airplane ticket on Online travel agency on laptop

What are you waiting for? Read on to learn how to start the perfect travel blog.

What is an Online Travel Diary?

An online travel dairy is essentially an online blog to document your travels. It is aimed at others who want to follow in those footsteps and learn from you.

The goal of your blog could be to earn a living, or simply document your adventures for a small following.

How to Start a Travel Diary

Starting a travel diary will take a little groundwork before you can get to the fun part, but that goes with most activities these days.

Here are six essential steps in beginning your travel blog.

  1. Pick the Perfect Name and Logo

The perfect name for your blog is of utmost importance. This is how people will identify your blog, and first impressions are often framed from this.

Try to get creative, and avoid using the terms “traveling” or “wandering”. As intuitive as these may seem, these are very commonly used. It will be difficult to compete with thousands of others with similar names.

As well, a logo is helpful in recognition. Consider designing one yourself, or using hiring a reputable graphic designer.

  1. Set Up Hosting

A web host is another important feature of a good travel diary. The domain itself should be simple, four or five words, and it should avoid using any symbols.

This is because, in the future, you must consider what it may sound like to read your domain name aloud to others, and including hyphens tend to complicate this.

  1. Get WordPress

WordPress is the ideal platform for blogs and websites of all kinds. This platform is extremely customizable and well-known.

In the beginning, take the time to understand the site, as well as picking the perfect template for your blog.

  1. Install Plugin’s

Plugins are very helpful with tracking the progress of your travel blog. Some excellent ones to start out with include Yoast SEO and Geo Mashup.

Google analytics and Mash Share are others that can help your travel blog grow and flourish. SEO plugins are also a great idea to reach your target audience.

  1. Have a Business Plan

As with any business, an online travel diary is no different. If your goal is to make money from this platform, you should form a business plan early on in your journey.

It should include how you plan to make money, and from who. Possibilities include affiliate marketing, ebooks, guides, or product reviews. However, try to be as authentic as possible, otherwise, it may negatively impact your blog.

  1. Start Posting and Build Your Audience

After you have completed everything above, it is time to dive in. Start first with your “about me” page, and enrich it with all the details of you.

Then, the first post should be on the topic of your blog, and what you hope to make out of it.

Once this is finished, start off with subjects that offer a different perspective. Get creative, talk about your experience with London Club birthday packages and don’t be afraid to be personal and charming.

Final Thoughts

The beginning stages of a travel blog may seem difficult, but you should quickly get the hang of it.

Follow these steps, and you’re on your way to a new method for funding your vacations. And, who knows, maybe you will be the next bit travel blog.

What are your thoughts on starting up a travel diary? Leave a comment below!


Written by CrazyLeaf Editorial

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