There are hundreds of thousands of web host are present out there, but not all of them are good for WordPress. Find a good wordpress hosting solution, which is both reliable and affordable, is a very tough job. In order to make a right choice you have to keep many technicalities and the features you want in mind, which is then again, not very easy. In below, we will discuss about how to find a high quality WordPress hosting solution easily.
WordPress Hosting Requirements
As stated in the WordPress official site, the minimal hosting requirements for WordPress are only “PHP version 5.2.4 or greater” and “MySQL version 5.0 or greater”. But those are just the basic features for WordPress, to make a web hosting as a good solution for WordPress, many other factors should be considered.
- As an application built on PHP & MySQL, Linux is the preferred server operation system for WordPress, which is faster, cheaper and more reliable than Windows server when hosting any application built on php&MSQL.
- mod_rewrite module of Apache should be installed by default, which is used to make the URL of the posts to be Search Engine Friendly.
- Ideally, PHP could run as suPHP for increased WordPress security.
- PHP memory_limit could be set at 64MB to handle large photos processing in WordPress.
- It would be nice that your web host have good understanding on WordPress so that they could offer support on your WordPress related hosting issues
- 1-Click WordPress Installation
Where to Find a High Quality WordPress Hosting
Web hosting as a product sold online, you could not test it or touch it before subscribing to the service. So, the main references you could read are the customer reviews and professional editor reviews. Here we would recommend to check out, a hosting review site operated by a group of professional reviewers. Their annual best hosting awards is one of the most authoritative one in the industry.
Let’s look at the Best WordPress Hosting this year. Bluehost is named as the best wordpress hosting for individual bloggers. WebHostingClue editors also list out the main reason they give this award to Bluehost, which includes its uptime statistic data, page loading speed of WordPress, WordPress compatibility, and price value. By using Bluehost coupon, the price of its solution will be low to $3.95/month only, which is really affordable to every individuals, not say Bluehost also guarantee anytime money back.
Besides Bluehost, WebHostingClue also name InmotionHosting as best WordPress hosting for businesses, and Hostgator as Premium WordPress hosting solutions.
In general, we feel knows the needs of their readers better some other sites. It recommends different web hosts to different webmasters who have different needs. It’s a really great place to find web hosting.