
Catalog Printing Experts

Take a look at your companies’ holiday marketing plan. What does it include? Email Marketing? Display ads on websites? Forget about it – modern consumers have grown a tolerance to these kinds of efforts and easily ignore unwanted emails and advertisements.

What to do? This is the time when you return to the classics of advertising, like direct mail. Direct mail is brilliant because you know that every single human being you send you ads to literally has to at least pick up the ad  and look at it, and hold it before anything else happens! Heck, you’ll probably get some extra eyes out of the deal with all of the postal employees who handle your ads! If you’re sold on direct mail marketing (and you should be) you might be wondering what your best investment is? While things like door hangers, postcards, and brochures work well – the king of direct mail is the catalog.

Catalogs are like entire websites printed on paper. And once you get the attention of the consumer with the homepage (the cover) its only a few simple moves till they’re browsing you’re entire product inventory.

Printing for Less

To take a wild guess, if you haven’t already enjoyed the benefits of advertising with catalog printing, it’s probably because the process seems too risky – and too complicated of a print job to invest in. That’s understandable – catalog printing includes complicating binding process like saddle stitching and perfect binding; not to mention the hundreds of pages that there are to perfectly match up and have look clean and uniform.

This is why it truly makes sense to choose the right printer for your next catalog printing project. has been in the industry longer than any other online printer – and they have the expertise to get your catalog printing project done right. At PFL, you’ll find friendly print experts who know the ins and outs of working with a catalog project, and truly care about its success. But that’s not good enough for PFL, they know just saying they’re the best won’t prove it to you.

At PFL, they actually guarantee their work 100% against poor quality. If for any reason you aren’t totally happy with the work, simply return in for a full and total refund!

Printing for Less

With the holidays fast approaching, it’s time to get your catalog printing project going fast. So Contact PFL today “the catalog printing experts!”

Written by CrazyLeaf Editorial

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