The term Web 2.0 has been around a while. If you are not familiar with it here is your chance . In this post you will find a basic introduction of Web 2.0 and resources and freebies related to Web 2.0 that will make you an Web 2.0 expert.
First of all, keep in mind that Web 2.0 has various definition and explanations. According to Wikipedia‘s definition,” The term “Web 2.0” refers to a perceived second generation of web development and design, that aims to facilitate communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.” In a simpler terms, If Netscape was the standard bearer for Web 1.0, Google is most certainly the standard bearer for Web 2.0. First Web 2.0 conference was in October 2004. Web 2.0 allows user interactivity, sharing information, data control and lots more. The terms that are associated with Web 2.0 such as blogs, tags, RSS, social bookmarking, and AJAX. If you are interested in more detailed analysis follow the links
Before starting on how to create a Web 2.0 site, Lets look at 5 famous Web 2.0 sites for better understanding .
In this tutorial, you will find common graphic design elements in modern web (“2.0”) design style and how, when and where you might use each element in your designs. A must read Web 2.0 Guide.
This tutorial is a detailed walk through on everything you need to learn more about the synergy between Web 2.0 design, development and the social networking aspect.
In this tutorial which also includes a video you will find steps on creating a web 2.0 logo. You might also want read this post about where to get your web 2.0 logo inspiration .
You can also use these JavaScript based logo generator.
Write your text with logos of Famous Web 2.0 Services and share it with friends on social networks or download as an image.
Do you need Mascot or Cartoon for you website? This post includes 19 excellent Photoshop Tutorial on how create one.
Hongkiat shows how to easily create web 2.0 buttons with different colors.
In this detailed post you will find how to design our own web 2.0 layout.
How to make a bright, clean, web 2.0 layout in Photoshop using only basic skills and concepts. Moreover, also read this post which list all the Photoshop Tutorial about web 2.0 .
In this simple and nicely illustrated tutorial you will find how to create a glossy looking Web 2.0 tabbed menu using Photohop
It is going to be while before next Web trend arrives but it seems like some experts are already saying goodbye to Web 2.0 and jumping to Web 3.0 already. Hold on to to your sacks though, even if web 3.0 is on the way it is going to take some time to arrive. How will Web 3.0 will be differnt than Web 2.0? Lets hear some opinions.