Colin Smith, founder of, one of the best known web sites dedicated to Photoshop, has announced the site’s seventh annual design contest, which, as with previous iterations, has a theme specifically related to Photoshop itself. Last year, for example, the challenge was to design the front of a cereal box, which resulted in such winning entries as Linked Layers: Fortified With Styles; Crusty Tools; and HistoGrams: Begin Your Day With Balance.
This year’s theme is a billboard dedicated to Photoshop, set in the past or in the future. In Colin’s words, “Past and Future means that it can be yesterday or tomorrow, but leaves it open to cool period pieces, and crafty wording and usage of imagery.” The prizes raise up to 12000$. Entries must be posted before March 1, 2007.
More information is available on the site.
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