
10 Free Sets of Long Shadow Icons

Flat design has been around for some time now, and it seems it’s here to stay. I navigate the web quite a lot and I see flat design implemented all around. This has also impacted icon design. The minimalism of flat icon design is exactly what gives this trend depthand beauty. A new “sub-trend” of flat design has emerged in the icon design field, and that is long shadows.

What’s long shadows ? Well it’s exactly what you think it is, long shadows. The defining element of the flat icon has a long shadow. The shadow is designed usually at a 45 degree angle on the whole length of the icon. The result is pretty interesting. The contrast between the 2D feel of flat icons and the 3D effect from the long shadows make the icons really cool.

There are even long shadow generators, some online, some using Photoshop and smart layers. here are a few :

Below there are 15 of the most interesting sets of  long shadow icons :

Modern long shadow icons by Webdesigner Depot

Long Shadow Icon Set by Webdesigner Depot

All of the icons are designed using vector shapes in Photoshop, so you can scale them to any size without losing quality. The whole set is free for personal and commercial use.


Long Shadow Flat Icons by Hakan Ertan

Flat Icons

This is a huge long shadow set of 176 flat social media and communication icons. The all icons are easily editable, change colors with one click.


Flat SEO icons

Flat SEO Icons

A set of 12 long shadow icons designed by Vladislav Karpov.


Long Shadow Social Media Icons

Long Shadow Social Media Icons

A beautiful set of 45 free flat social media icons.


252 Long Shadow Flat Icons

252 Long Shadow Flat Icons

Over 250 free, flat, long shadow icons in elegant colors.


Long Shadow Icons by Farouk Hosni Follow

Long Shadow Icons by Farouk Hosni Follow

This pack includes 6 elegant rounded flat long shadow icons.


42 Long Shadow Social Icons

42 Long Shadow Social Icons

This pack includes 42 long shadow social icons in many types and sizes.  It also includes a Photoshop PSD, so you can re-scale this to any size and colors if needed.


Social icons by Pierre Borodin

Social icons by Pierre Borodin

A simple set of 18 social icons with long shadow design.


Flat Social Icons by Pixeden

Flat Social Icons by Pixeden

A set of 16 flat inspired social icons in a PSD file. Edit the psd and add more icon shapes according to your needs.


Adobe PSD icon set

Adobe Long Shadow Icons

A complete icon set for Adobe (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Bridge, After Effects, Flash).


Written by CrazyLeaf Editorial

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