jQuery Plugins are not only essential for lazy web designers, but also for web design companies which get a lot of web design projects. Who would like to sit and write lines of code to create a slideshow, menus, grids etc. when we can just plug in the scripts and make our workflow easier.
jQuery is an integral part of web design and development which is used by most of the modern websites to make the websites attractive and professional at the same time. jQuery is a subset of JavaScript with the motto of doing less and seeing more.
So, I have some great and cool jQuery plugins up my sleeves which I want to share with you people. I have listed the most awesome plugins made by web developers the last month. These plugins have gained a lot of popularity in a short span of time, hopefully you people will like them too. Don’t resist and check out 20+ must have jQuery plugins for November 2013.
Auto Fix Anything
Auto Fix Anything is a great plugin created by Pete R, which can fix the position of any container on a web page with one JS call.
stickUp is one of my favourite plugin. It can come in very handy while creating one page websites as it sticks the website elements at the top the webpage and remains at the top while the user is scrolling through the website. It is generally used to stick the top navigation bar on the web page.
TimeCircles is a jQuery plugin which is used to create visually attractive countdown timers which count down to the specified time. This plugin can be used on file hosting and membership websites.
Sliding Pop Hover
Sliding Pop Hover jQuery plugin is used to hover a DIV container over a DIV container when a user points the cursor on the specified DIV container. For example, if a user points the mouse cursor over an image, then the image will be replaced by a text or a call to action button.
Date-Time Picker
As the name suggests, the jQuery Date-Time picker is a plugin which helps the website visitors to select a date or time from the calender. The plugin can be used in hotel or railway booking websites to enhance the user interface.
Feather Light is a replacement for the lightbox jQuery plugin. It works similarly and creates cool modal boxes and work with different types of elements. It is a very small and light weight plugin which takes up as less as 3.7KB space on the server. Yet, it is very powerful.
Off screen navigation panels are great to save the workspace for the content display. bigslide.js is a jQuery plugin which creates off-screen slide panels easily. The plugin is easy to cutomize and furthermore it is a lightweight plugin.
jQuery Spinner is simple number spinner, used to increase or decrease the numbers in an input field. This plugin can be used on conversion websites.
jQuery validVal is used to validate any kind of HTML forms with ease. It is a highly customizable and feature rich plugin.
mmenu is a jQuery plugin to create mobile app like vertical and horizontal navigation menus with ease. It creates slick and beautiful sliding menus for mobile websites.
Image Gallery
As the name suggests, jQuery Image Gallery is a plugin which creates awesome gallery for images which lets the users to navigate past through the images on the website with ease. It has some additional features like keyboard navigation, transitions, slideshow and fullscreen mode.
HideSeek ia a live search jQuery plugin with highly customizable features. It is one of the most powerful jQuery live search plugin ever made.
dotdotdot is a jQuery plugin to hide the overflowing text from containers and add elipses to signify that more text is available for the visitor to read. Also it has an add on functionality of a “Read More” button, which is displayed if the text which is overflowing is ommited.
noty is a jQuery plugin to create notification modal boxes pop-up as and when a task completed. Not only this, it features many types of error and success modals too. Don’t forget to check them out!
FilthyPillow is another great date and time picker. With fancy and great visual appearance, this makes a great date and time plugin.
Character Countdown
Not very popular plugin but its my personal favourite. Its a simple yet useful plugin which counts and limits the number of characters eligible to be entered in a textarea.
PhotoJShop is a cool plugin created keeping in mind the simple photo editing functions. This plugin enables us to add special effects to any image easily.
Leroy Zoom
Leroy zoom is a very cool plugin which can zoom in any part of an image. This plugin can be used on e-commerce websites where customers can zoom in the image of the product and get more clear picture of the product.
Easy Zoom
Easy Zoom is another lightweight zooming jQuery plugin. It contains several more customizable options.
ReStable is a lightweight jQuery plugin which makes the HTML tables responsive with ease. The tables collapses into unordered lists because of the responsive function.
SmoothSlides is an awesome jQuery plugin which helps to create responsive slideshows for webspages easily. It features many transition effects and yet is a very lightweight slideshow jQuery plugin.
We walked through all the great jQuery plugins for November 2013. We saw plugins which could be used on a wide range of websites, from personal to e-commerce sites. These plugins can come in handy and are hand picked. After much research I found all these great plugins.
Now, I want to hear from you people that how did you like the jQuery plugins listed above and how they came in handy for you. Feel free to drop a comment below!