I was doing some freelance work with a medical healthcare startup designing marketing collateral. I found it was really hard to find free professional looking medical stock images. We scouted around the Internet to find the best stock photos to use your marketing. If you are a doctor’s office or a marketing firm working with a practice, these photos will be great for you! Below are seven free stock images which you can use any way you want even commercially under the creative Commons license.
If you’re looking for even more stock images I would use the spree stock image search engine Librastock.
1. Colorful pills
This is a photo of various pills in many colors.
You can download this photo on Freestocks.org
2. Interior of a hospital
This is a photo of the interior of a hospital.
You can download this photo on Pixabay.com
3. Baby’s foot

This photo has a close-up of a baby’s foot.
You can download this photo on Brainimages.com
4. Pink pills
This photo has a close-up of the pink pills.
You can download this photo on Pixabay.com
5. Syringe and red-blue pills
This photo has a close-up to the syringe and pills.
You can download this photo on Pixabay.com
6. Laboratory
This is a photo of a woman who is working in the laboratory.
You can download this photo on Pexels.com
7. Pills in the hand
This is a photo of white pills in the hand.
You can download this photo on Pixabay.com