Cool wallpapers are really hard to find. I’ve been wanting for a while now to write a designer wallpaper-list article. As a designer finding nice wallpapers that you actually like can be quite an adventure.
Cool wallpapers
More wallpapers for designers
- 35 Wicked Cool Wallpapers for Designers
- 30 Cool Wallpapers for iPhone
- CrazyLeaf Weekly Wallpapers for Designers
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We are looking for talented bloggers, that want to promote themselves and their websites by writing articles for our blog. The topics we are interested in are : Graphic Design, Web Design, Flash, Photoshop, Vectorial Graphics, Design Inspiration, Programming, Print Design, Design Resources, photography or just “top 10 articles”. If you like the idea and want to submit an article or just want to find out more, please visit our Contributors Page.