For someone who is building a business website, you might want to grab these Business Stock Photos for your website images purpose. These business-related stock images are free at this moment. Feel free to keep a copy, maybe sometimes in the future you can use it in your photo editing.
1. Newspapers “Business”
This is a photo of a man holding newspapers.
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2. Skyscraper
This is a photo of colleagues in skyscraper.
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3. Brainstorming
Four people sitting on the table and working.
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4. Office work things
This is a photo of office supplies.
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5. Hard intelectual work
This is a photo of a laptop, book and stationery.
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6. Going to work
This is a photo of people going to work.
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7. Team
This is a photo of business team at the meeting.
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8. Night owl
This is a photo of a man working at night.
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9. At the office
A woman working on the computer at the office.
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10. Business woman
This is a photo of a woman working on iPad.
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11. Â Businessman
This is a photo of a man`s hands on the wooden table. He is holding phone and working.
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12. Conferense room
This is a photo of the room for business meetings.
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