You might have heard about SeoClerks in your time spent online, but you are not quite sure what’s it about.
SeoClerks is a micro-jobs platform just like Fiverr, a marketplace for SEO services or micro-jobs. These services are also sold at micro-prices, being affordable for everyone.
You can he a buyer or a seller depending on your preference, or you can be both. You can sell your services, and with the money earned purchase new ones for yourself.
How exactly does it work ?
As I previously mentioned, SEOClerks works on the same principles as Fiverr. If you are a seller, you can create a service, promote it and wait for a buyer to order it. Unlike Fiverr, SEOClerks isn’t limiting the price per gig to 5$, instead you can set your own price, starting at 1$.
If you are a buyer, all you have to do is search for the service you are interested in and order it. On the duration of the project you can communicate with the seller via the job’s page or by private messages.
Joining and getting paid
Joining SEOClerks is fairly simple, all you have to to is go to the website and hit the “Join” button, fill in your details, verify your email and start selling or buying services.
The payment methods available on SEOClerks are Paypal and Payza.
What kind of services can I offer ?
Besides SEO you can offer a number of other services like : article translation, article writing, design services, programming gigs, web hosting and social networking services.
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