
Here Are 7 Vital Things to Do to Improve Your Website Layout

Website development team sketching wireframe layout design for responsive web content, two UI/UX front end designers in office

Did you know there are over 324 million registered domains on the Internet today? All these domains represent websites whose owners are looking to increase web traffic and conversions.

For you to gain a competitive edge over these millions of websites, you need to have an appealing site layout. The design is what your visitors see when they visit your webpage.

Your website layout determines whether visitors will stay long enough to ingest your content and take your call to action or they’ll move on to the next site.

How can you improve your site’s layout, attract new visitors, increase conversion rates, and make sales? Keep reading to find out!

1. Choose a Minimalist Design

A minimalist design allows you to draw the attention of users to the essential things on your webpage. It’s more like eliminating fluff on your site.

With fewer images, text, and video content to ingest, users can focus on the content on your page. A simple design makes a site look less busy and more visually appealing. As a result, they are more likely to take action.

Note that having a minimalist site doesn’t mean you should entirely reduce the amount of content available to users. Create landing pages and call to action buttons that direct users to other pages on your site where they can get more information.

2. Create a Responsive Website Layout

Websites are typically designed for desktop devices. However, very few people today use desktop devices to access the Internet. Studies show that by 2025, three-quarters of internet users will be accessing the web solely via smartphones.

For this reason, there is a need to create responsive sites to adapt to the changing preferences of the target users. A responsive layout or design is one which resizes itself depending on the type of device a web user is using to access the webpage. 

The site’s content, including text, images, and video respond to the user’s device. This enhances user experience and promotes readability of the site’s content.

Create a mobile responsive site to stay up-to-date with the changing trends. When choosing a responsive theme, test it on a smartphone and tablet to make sure that the design responds to the different devices.

3. Simplify Site Navigation

A poor site navigation structure can send away potential customers from your website. When a user visits your page, they should be able to access the information they need without trying to figure out your layout.

Use a simple structure to ease navigation around your site. Below are some tips you should follow:

  • Have a fixed navigation bar
  • Don’t have more than seven items in your menu
  • Use descriptive terms for your labels
  • Place your navigation bar where it’s easily visible

A complex navigation structure may seem appealing, but it frustrates your visitors. Keep it simple, and you’ll begin to see better conversion rates.

4. Optimize Site Speed 

Optimal site speed is crucial for SEO. Search engines are now using page speed as a ranking factor for mobile devices. Your site won’t rank on the first page if it takes more than a few seconds to load.

Internet users also tend to move on from slow pages pretty fast. Thus, analyze your site speed and optimize it to boost SEO and increase visitors. Below are some things you can do to improve site speed:

  • Optimize images on your webpages
  • Move to a faster hosting company
  • Reduce plugins on your site
  • Run a compression audit

All these can be overwhelming if you don’t know much about the technical aspects of web design. Hire professional web design services to optimize your site speed and realize more conversions.

You can learn more here about professional web design services for your business site. Work with an expert whose package includes all aspects of web design, including creating landing pages, building links, and writing quality web content.

5. Use the Right Fonts

Fonts determine the readability of your site. Too heavy and bolded fonts affect readability and frustrate your customers. Similarly, using different types of fonts on a page makes it look busy and visually unappealing.

Improve your site’s layout by using the right fonts for your specific type of content. Choose thin, clean fonts over heavy, bolded ones.

If you decide to use more than one type of font, ensure they’re in the same family to promote uniformity. Also, use the right font size as well. Visit your site on both desktop and mobile devices and see how the fonts appear.

6. Clean Up the Sidebars

Sidebars are essential elements on a website as they ease navigation around the pages. They are commonly used to display posts, menus, and calls to action. However, when they’re overcrowded and busy, they affect the overall website layout.

Strive to clean up your sidebars to give your site visual appeal. Avoid placing too much unnecessary content on the sidebars. Use them to spotlight content, encourage signups, and push CTAs. 

If possible, aim for one sidebar. Don’t go overboard. Users are more likely to convert on a page which looks organized.

7. Go Easy on Image and Video Content

Over the past few years, Internet users have been warming up to video content and images. You can use these types of content to tell a brand story, deliver information, or boost sales.

However, when used in excess, video and image content can be detrimental to your site layout. Too many videos and images on a page frustrate users and increase bounce rates.

Here are a few tips to follow when using video and image content on your website:

  • Aim for a few videos and images
  • Optimize images and video to enhance site speed
  • Ensure the content responds to various devices
  • Give users an option of playing and pausing videos

Create high-resolution visual content and ensure it is relevant to your target audience.

Improve Your Website Layout for Increased Conversions

How visitors perceive your site when they first see it determines their next actions. Improving website layout helps keep clients and prospects on the site long enough for them to read your content and take action. 

Check out our blog to learn website design tips and trends for increased leads and conversions.

Written by CrazyLeaf Editorial

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